Ladiesm's (Lady-ism) is my word of how to Act as a Lady

Ladiesm's (Lady-ism) is my word of how to Act as a Lady
Your Host

Sunday, June 5, 2011

I have been gone

I have been gone for some time. I have delayed my love to blog and give information because I got busy! So beside work, school, and and my family I started a Ladiesms foundation catered to teaching girls how to be ladies. Some people may say, what makes you think you have the right to teach anyone anything? Well I do because I choose to act like a lady. Now I am not saying I am better than no one in particular, however I feel that some people make choices that aren't very lady like. Like in the club with the thong is that the latest fashion statement. When did it become cute that chicks are fighting in the club.... Oh so its cute to break into a fight in heels? I don't like running in heels, and none of my friends do either. Is it cute that you fighting at 30...yea cause you a role model for your kids. Now I am not saying a fight is never called for, but really in the club, nothing is never that serious.

I am back now ya'll and stronger than ever. I am asking for participation and suggestions. What should we talk about, this your house as much as its mines?!

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