Ladiesm's (Lady-ism) is my word of how to Act as a Lady

Ladiesm's (Lady-ism) is my word of how to Act as a Lady
Your Host

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Marriage- To honor, cherish, and trust

Many people put emphasis on getting married. You read in books that in order to live the fairy tale, marriage is required to be happily ever after. I think because of this people forget the main reason behind marriage. The whole death to you part, to honor, cherish, yea all that jazz.

Many women have a problem with the honor part of their vow and completely forget that it was said. I don't understand why some women have a problem with honoring their husbands. I was out to eat with a friend of mine, and her friend, and her friend got a call from her husband, she looks at me and says, "Don't be looking at me like that, he don't have me in check he probably calling because the kids want to talk to me." Now mind you I don't know this chick, but the fact that she thought she had to make a big deal about telling me her husband ain't in control bothered me. I told her that my husband has the right to check me when he sees fit. At the end of the day that man is who takes care of me and if he wants to call and check me Imma answer and don't owe nobody an explanation of why I did so.

The problem with women is that we are sometimes to independent. We want someone to take care of us, but then we want to still be in charge. You can't have both ladies. If you don't feel like you can't let your guard down enough to be taken care of, that means you haven't met the right man. Before meeting my husband, I always had a backup, in case the current man and situation didn't work out. I never in any previous relationships felt like I could depend on anyone to take care of what needed to be done. If that is what you feel, than boo that dude may not be the man for you. As a woman in a relationship that man should be in control and you should allow him to do so. If you feel he won't steer you in the right direction and you can't honor and trust his decisions, then why are you wasting your time. Until you can honor, cherish, and trust that man continue to date and not marry as our divorce rate is high enough! Too be continued.....

Thursday, June 9, 2011

The Nex Level Studio Google Issue

I was new to TX and needed a salon. I am used to the Detroit style hair care so it was important that I found a salon that not only could hook my hair up to my usual standard but I also wanted someone that was about hair care. I am big on not going into a shop full of gossip, nastiness, and ghetto! I was referred to Vantrice and has been in love with her and the professionalism of her shop ever since. The shop is not ghetto by no means, and it is clean, friendly, and professional. They have snacks, coffee, water, music, laughter, tv's and an overall confronting atmosphere. Since going into The Nex Level I have loved it and would recommend their services to anyone.

There is a certain individual that had a bad experience with the shop and decided to write about it. Another stylist in the shop is Texas T....Although she is not my specific stylist I have seen her work and she does an amazing job. She is hilarious and provides the laughter and atmosphere with everyone else to make this shop what it is....Apparently she had a customer that didn't see it this way and googled this mess:
I made a Saturday appointment with Toni aka Teaxas T whatever the H$#! That means. Anyways I mad ethe appointment 1 month in advance, I show up @ noon cause that was my appointment time Toni told me to have a seat. By 12:30 I was still waiting if I maid an appointment @ a certain time then that chair should be open for me that is why people make appointment I wasn't a walk in. The music was so loud and basing I thought I was at the club. That is ghetto and un professional . Needless to say I will never come back to that shop nor recommend anyone to get serviced there. I found a lovely and professional black hair shop on Ray Bon called Exselonce and it is a professional shop with the older more sophisticated black women atmosphere. Toni T is unprofessional and trying to be gready and book more appoinments than she can handle. The days of good customer @ black hair salons are fading .

On so many levels this is all wrong. First off lady, when you decide to express yourself about how ghetto and unprofessional an atmosphere is, it is probably in your best interest to spell check. You put this on google, where anyone who googles the shop will read. Ummmmm not only is there spelling issue in this message but all types of grammar issues. How do you call yourself going hard on someone in Ebonics but in the same breath call someone ghetto! The shop plays music but it has never been loud enough to be considered ghetto, just loud enough to hear it in the midst of blow dryers and conversations. When has any salon that you walked into you are able to go right to the chair......??? Go ahead I will wait....... Yea none. A good hair salon is like the doctor you have to wait to get served. How professional is it to walk out of the salon pretending that you have to leave for work, only to go to another shop and then decide to google someone! I think "needless to say" was the most educated comment she made within this post! How you live in Texas and can't spell it....Boooooooo!

The ladiesm's moral of this story is to practice what you preach. You want a professional, you act like one. You want to make an appointment and walk into a chair, book your appointment at Walmart. You want to go hard on someone..... speak with some sense and not Ebonics. You think a stylist with people sitting in the chair is greedy, naw stupid, that's called clientele....Isn't that the point of owning and maintaining a business...Getcha mind right and jump off a bridge already! I recommend The Nex Level to anyone and Texas T for that matter, continue to get it ladies you are AWESOME!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

To Girdle or not to Girdle...That is the Question

Soooo let's talk about it ladies. Girdles!!!!! My Pet Peeve is seeing a women in a dress or something that fits tight with no girdle on. The girdle serves many purposes, it smooths out the lumpy, flattens the stomach so it doesn't look like a tucked out shirt over your pants, it stops the wobble wobble shaky shaky. I don't know why some ladies think that its cute to walk around with all that wobble all over the place, or wear white pants with lumps all over the place, legs looking like a bag full of nickels. I don't understand why people believe they can wear any shirt they want when their belly hangs over their shirt.

Now I am not saying you can't be big and sexy, I have friends that are plus size and still get down with the best of the skinny girls. You gotta keep it tight though...I am no skinny chick and I got wobble wobble and shaky shaky and because of it I wear a girdle or a spank. Now just because you skinny don't mean you don't wobble or that you are not lumpy you need spanks too. I know there is a theory that men like to see that butt wobble when you walk pass, I feel you ladies, but have you been behind someone watching that......Nasty and that is skinny or big! Not pimpin!

The ladiesm's model of this story is wear a girdle or spanks in those sun dresses, pants, tuck in the gut, make yourself look more smooth you will feel better about yourself and so will the ones walking behind you. You can get spanks or girdles at any Walmart, Target, or Lane Bryant. It is inexpensive and you will feel better about trying on clothes. That is all folks!

Monday, June 6, 2011

Basketball Wives

I really don't understand why this show is called basketball wives since none of them are current wives to any players. I believe this show is great for entertainment but poses some issues with me. So I believe Shaunie is using these chicks to fatten her pocket, she plays innocent as if she is peace maker, but she was the one that stirred the Evelyn and Tami fight last season. However she is always the one saying that this has turned into some mess, but for rating, when Evelyn asked her should I tell Tami about Kenny she says was like absolutely....too funny Shaunie, stop playing innocent. Now Royce, I like her because she holds are own and her little self is not scared of no one. Tami is a bit hood and needs a lesson in ladiesm's to include holding her liquor. Evelyn is that friend still fighting in the club creating a run experience in heels. Not pimpin!

So my ladiesm’s issues with this show, is that it shows you that you can be hood, raunchy at the mouth,  back stabbing, and just plain mean girls and its all good cause they money up! In all friend relationships these things can rear its ugly head but flaunting it like it's all good just annoys me. But we keep watching so I guess it must not be too bad, they in season two. The point is this.....please make this show the only drama that you enjoy and not keeping the likes of this type of drama in your everyday atmosphere.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

I have been gone

I have been gone for some time. I have delayed my love to blog and give information because I got busy! So beside work, school, and and my family I started a Ladiesms foundation catered to teaching girls how to be ladies. Some people may say, what makes you think you have the right to teach anyone anything? Well I do because I choose to act like a lady. Now I am not saying I am better than no one in particular, however I feel that some people make choices that aren't very lady like. Like in the club with the thong is that the latest fashion statement. When did it become cute that chicks are fighting in the club.... Oh so its cute to break into a fight in heels? I don't like running in heels, and none of my friends do either. Is it cute that you fighting at 30...yea cause you a role model for your kids. Now I am not saying a fight is never called for, but really in the club, nothing is never that serious.

I am back now ya'll and stronger than ever. I am asking for participation and suggestions. What should we talk about, this your house as much as its mines?!