Ladiesm's (Lady-ism) is my word of how to Act as a Lady

Ladiesm's (Lady-ism) is my word of how to Act as a Lady
Your Host

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Whoa is She

"I didn't have a daddy growing up."

Nothing annoys me more than the ratchet girl fighting in the club, dressing like a street walker and having multiple babies by multiple baby daddy's because she didn't have a father growing up. Or her terrible choice in men or relationship problems, because she didn't have a father growing up. Or I can't keep or maintain healthy friendships or relationships and the expectation to excuse their mistreatment of others, alllll guessed it...... she didn't have a father growing up.

Whoa is She. But whoa is half of America if that is the case. You know how many successful women never had a father raise them? You know how many married women there are out there that have a successful marriage and relationship with others that didn't have a father raise them? You know how many Baby Momma's are out there that maintain a functional parenthood with the father that didn't have a father raise them? Excuses is the worst reason to remain in a current situation. Stop blaming your lack of motivation to change your life around because you didn't have a daddy!

In the words of Outkast, "Get up, get out and get something." Accountability is key. You shouldn't be on every state assistance while sitting at home complaining about being broke. You shouldn't be mad that you have 6 Baby Daddy's and angry none of them pay child support. Absolutely it is also their responsibility to raise these kids but when do you take responsibility for your choices? It is not ok to have multiple kids but still be in the club weekend after weekend, looking for love in all the wrong place, but then have a tear session of whoa is she.

The Moral of the Story: Not having a daddy is not your get out of jail free card allowing you to make bad decisions, treat others out of pocket, or continuously do nothing and be nothing because you grew up in a single parent household!

Monday, October 20, 2014

Ladiesm's of how to Live as a Lady: Who Am I?

Ladiesm's of how to Live as a Lady: Who Am I?

Who Am I?

In life you go through stages. There is:

Career stage
I got a man stage
I married that man stage
I'm having a baby stage
Back to the career phase

Somewhere in here you have, "Who am I phase?"

I have achieved a Bachelor's and Master's degree. I have the career job that has potential for continued growth. I have three children and a husband all of which has their own hobbies and goals I support and help accomplish by means of being there and getting things done. In doing so, I have lost who I am. What do I do for me? What makes me happy? I get a mani pedi from time to time. I enjoy spending time with friends with with adult conversation. I love my time sleeping and veggie on my couch. But I felt like I lost myself in the life of all that I support. I take kids to basketball practices and games, kid birthday parties and kid events.

I woke up one day and decided no more excuses. I need to find out what makes me happy.....and writing is it! I have always found solemn in self expression through writing. That and the empowerment of women. But until I can find a way to save the misfortunes of the world.....Writing is my outlet! So stay tuned world. You may find knowledge, entertainment, or annoyance in what I have to say or discuss. Either way get ready because here SHE come!