Ladiesm's (Lady-ism) is my word of how to Act as a Lady

Ladiesm's (Lady-ism) is my word of how to Act as a Lady
Your Host

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Friends...How many of us have them?

There are different kinds of friends and I want to break this down for you so that you know what category your in. This is important if you didn't know.

Associates: I am friends with you on the Book, Instagram or Twitter. We never hang out. We comment on each other's pictures. Say hi in passing. Crack a joke here there. Attend a happy hour here and there. We in most cases don't travel in the same circles. There is no beef or ill feelings, we are just not like that. It's okay to have associates, in some cases, you have someone who is more of an associate you are trying to force in the friend category. Message Here: Everyone you meet serves a purpose, they don't need to be your friend.

Work Friend: That person you go to lunch with daily, weekly or monthly. You discuss work level things and high level personal things. What do I mean by high level personal things? The things they can see or know by visiting your desk. That you have a family, kids, favorite sport know.....the things you would tell anyone you randomly meet on the elevator. Message here: Don't trust telling work people ALL your personal business. You may think your lunch dates are something special, but not necessarily they just need someone to eat with.

True Friend: A true friend supports you and your family. A true friend doesn't expect you to support all they're accomplishments, attend they're children functions and celebrate they're successful moments but don't return the favor. A true friend doesn't take, take, take and take and then when it's my turn to take because I need my friend, you are MIA. This friend you don't have to speak to regularly. I can call you after not seeing or hearing from you in a year and we should be able to pick back up where we left off. A true friend should remember your birthday and buy you a gift if you got them one. That whole, don't give if you expect to receive in exchange is what broke friends who don't want to get you a gift says. Everyone's knows if I buy for you, in exchange, we should exchange!!!!! Let's be honest people! Now don't get me wrong I am that friend that if in a store, see something I know you've wanted or would appreciate, I will buy it. Do I expect you to do that for me. Hell yea LOL.

No but forreal a true friend is there if I call them at 2am or 8pm because I need them. A true friend doesn't push their friends to the back burner the minute they are happy in a new romantic interest because if we are friends I support your happiness and being included in your happy moments is what friends are all about. A true friend is like your romantic interest, you will disagree but should be able to have an opinion or feeling about something, share it, and the two of you make an effort to repair the situation for growth.

My biggest pet peeve with a friend????? If I have done or said something to offend you or you didn't like, how about you pick up the phone and call me. Let's do lunch, brunch, or dinner. Don't just silent treat me, what are we twelve? Grown people should be grown. We won't alway agree, but we should always be able to talk about what we don't agree on. We may end in, agreeing to disagree and move on. Message Here: Just because they have been your friends for years a 80/20 friendship isn't what I deserve. It's 50/50 like a marriage or it's nothing! I can apply my 20 on an associate or my lunch buddy!

These are my friend categories......What's yours?!

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