Ladiesm's (Lady-ism) is my word of how to Act as a Lady

Ladiesm's (Lady-ism) is my word of how to Act as a Lady
Your Host

Sunday, April 11, 2010

House Hunting

My husband and I were house hunting yesterday.....I really want to give you a rundown of what we noticed...

The first house we entered, the people who left didn't have the courtesy to clean the house prior to leaving, this means they didn't vacuum the carpet, wash the tub, or sweep the floor, needless to say..... hated it!

The second house was ok, really no issues, other than the fact they the at least could've straighten up. I understand that you have a life, and you live and your house, but if you have your house on the market in an effort to sell it, do yourself and the people interested a favor, clean it up, make it presentable, make me want to want your house.

The third house was my favorite. I loved the inside of the house, but two problems. The grass looked like a forest. The grass was sooooo long, you couldn't even see the front stoop of the step from the curb.....Second issue the hood boys next door. It was at least 7 of them, pants sagging below their behinds sitting on a car with nothing else better to do.

The last house, was also nice, I really liked the look of this home, I hated that their grass was also not cut, there was a braid that had detached from the owners head all over the bathroom, and mold growing around the shower. The funny part of this is that the current occupant knew we were coming and left when we arrived, and cleaning I guess, was just tooooo much to ask for!

So I guess the moral of the story is that if your attempt is to get your home on the market, for sale or for rent to make the house PRESENTABLE. PRESENTATION IS EVERYTHING. YOU MUST PRESENT THIS HOUSE JUST AS A RESTAURANT WOULD PRESENT YOUR MEAL.....IT NEEDS TO BE APPEALING, APPETIZING, AND WORTH LOOKING AT. If you don't take the time to care, what makes you think that I will care to want your house.


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